lang="de-AT" Plan your personnel effectively – SD Shift Planner - SimplyDelivery Österreich

Plan your personnel effectively – SD Shift Planer

Employees are an important factor especially in gastronomy. It is not only important to train them well, but above all to use them efficiently. The deployment of personnel is one of the biggest cost factors. An efficiently organized shift plan ensures that the right people work exactly at the right time, where they are needed.

Many companies still regulate the recording of working times analogously or on the basis of trust. This will change in the future. A ruling by the European Court of Justice now requires employers throughout Europe to record all working hours systematically and reliably. But with a digital duty roster you don't have to worry about that.

What to look out for?

1. Understaffing

Your employees are overwhelmed by the lack of personnel. The delivery times, the quality of the food as well as the work ethic suffer from this. Stress automatically causes bad mood and your customers notice it.

2. Overstaffing

The obvious first: you're wasting money! In addition, your employees feel underchallenged, unmotivated and less willing to work.

3. Know your employees 

Every employee has different strengths and weaknesses. Through your shift plan, you can use this effectively. Use your best employees exactly at peak times to take as many orders as possible and generate maximum revenue.

A useful tool to assess this is the sales and driver statistics.

4. Fluent shift change

It is advisable to make shift changes dynamic, so that there should be delays and in no case a shortage of personnel.

5. Digital time recording

Legally speaking, you are always on the safe side with a software solution. As soon as your employees are logged into the system, their working hours are also recorded.

You can plan them for the long term or change them spontaneously if necessary - everything is precisely logged. And thanks to the app, your employees will always be notified in good time.

How to plan effectively

In the personnel module you can store your entire employee base including wages. You then have access to this data in the shift planner itself.
First define your shifts per day, define corresponding planning periods and determine the expected personnel requirements.

Once you have saved the settings, you can see your sales for the specified planning periods, the delivery times from the previous year and other important information, such as the weather for planning.

After you have planned your shifts for the week, you can now invite your employees to let you know when you can work this week. This can be done automatically via email, SMS or WhatsApp. The employee can conveniently indicate when he is available on his mobile phone. After he has done this, you have this information immediately for planning in the system.

When you have finished planning, you can inform employees at the touch of a button when they need to work. Notifications are also sent via e-mail, WhatsApp or SMS.

Sounds interesting? Please feel free to contact us, our team will provide you with all further information.

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